Tuesday 25 July 2017


Nutritionists have said that high protein diets often with carbohydrates restriction may contribute to weight control and preservation of a lean body mass. 

  1. Mix carrot juice with green tea and use as a facial rinse to rejuvenate polluted/damages skin.
  2. It is advisable to use a food diary for achieving a healthy weight loss because it encourages mindful eating and promotes your commitment to your diet.
  3. Mash a handful of gooseberries in a cup of milk and apply on your scalp to bring back shine to dull hair.
  4. Make a thick paste of 2 teaspoons of fine oatmeal with a teaspoon of baking soda. Use as an exfoliate.
  5. Avoid skipping meals, rather snack on fruits like oranges/water melon etc. Skipping meals can lead to out of controlled hunger, often resulting in overeating.
  6.  Always supply a moderate quantity of water consistently into the body for regulatory purposes. Do not allow the body to be completely dehydrated. Read 6 Essential Food Nutrients Needed Daily
  7. Slow down every once in a while to give the mind/body rest by taking a long weekend, going on a relaxing vacation or just making room in your schedule for a nap.
  8. Do you know that greens are full of fiber that will help stop cravings and keep you feeling full so you don't overeat on the wrong things?
  9. Are you easily tired? Change your lifestyle by doing a 40Minutes workout at least 3days a week. This will boost your metabolism and reduce your exhaustion.
  10. Limit your exposure to daylight when you need to rest. Make your room dark, quiet and cool.

Thank you for reading 10 Nutritional and Beauty tips