Friday 26 January 2018

Economic challenges within the most populated black nation. Nigeria Fuel prize is never the issue of Nigerians

One is never certain about the next swing of numerous issues challenging the most populated black nation Nigeria. A country blessed with milk and honey and very precious natural and mineral resources. Too many to mention. Nigeria is the richest black nation and highest oil producing country in west Africa.

The country is as big and accommodates over 250 languages with over 50 tribes and diverse traditions. A recent look into the population count of the country ranges into more than 150million people and Niger State seems to be the largest of them and Ibadan remain the biggest city in WEST AFRICA as Lagos continues to dominate the metropolitan, having too many industries and most company's headquarters located in the city of Lagos. The centre of excellence.

Nigeria whose capital is abuja has been hit with recession obviously since three sequential years down the line and about a year from now the nation will hold her next presidential election. Many are still uncertain about the too many controversy and rifts that has been on the rise in the most populated black nation in the world and until date most still tie their hard assumptions against the fuel price inflation by the federal government as a major reason why things are harder and tougher for her citizens at large. However, it is of a truth that the black gold crude oil has been a major source of GDP for the country and not until a reform in the agriculture sector took a relief it may have been overlooked for several decades.

In conclusion, how interesting to note a response to the general wellbeing of her people by a respondent in the usual Fridays Only on Emmanuel Towers Facebook Page. She blatantly recall that the real reasons why the economy isn't yet in it required state is because of the type of leadership it has endured for decades. Hmm! Thinking of what to say next. She lamented how bad policies almost enrolled the country into history books in a quest to curb corruption and mostly lack of visionary leaders who may not have what it takes to rule a nation like Nigeria.