Monday 31 July 2017

STRESS: Keep Your Lunch Away And Deal With This

Woman on white top holding her head
Stress is a conditional state of fatigue in the brain, it procreates more tension and increases anxiety inside of the body system. It is caused as a result of accumulated fatigue on the inside of the body. As a student, business worker or nursing mother at home, working round the 24 hours in a day without a space for relaxation is not advisable. 

Our strive for daily survival is expected to be relatable to the measure of relaxation and leisure hours possibly obtainable in the whole 24hrs of the day. This is to help us maintain a Healthy Life while keeping our growth hormones in equilibrium.

Stress is not caused by any other vices other than too much engagement of the mind, long working hours and other energy consuming activities conducted by us on a daily basis, it therefore has it's major effect on the brain than any other part of the body. We all should learn to give our brains enough space for recuperating itself back into its healthiest form. A saying goes "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy". This is a saying to show how important it may be for one to have a leisure time after long hours of work.

The fact is that, there exist so many ways of managing stress which unknown to us may be additional complements to both our working efficiency and our healthy living, but whenever your engagement at work causes the brain to exceed it's limit without having a little time out for the brain to be recreated back to form due to extra hours of work, you may be at risk of drowsiness, restlessness, weight loss, tiredness, partial loss of active vision, primary body breakdown and a sudden potential loss of concentration.etc.

  1. Find a hobby for your self.
  2. Engage a fun loving activity for some minutes.
  3. Play with your kids in your home at your leisure.
  4. Enjoy a good movie with family and friends.
  5. Talk a walk round the house, not particularly looking for anything.
  6. Engage yourself with whatever makes you happy when doing it.
  7. Look for a partner to crack a little humor together.
  8. Locate a cool spot to relax the body. Example: Laying on the couch
  1. Renews the mind for more productivity.
  2. Improves the brain's efficiency for work.
  3. Reduces the risk of anxiety.
  4. Creates more avenue for the heart to function more effectively.
  5. Increases general body balance.
  6. Reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
  7. It eliminates excess fatigue already deposited on the brain.
  8. It resets the whole body system afresh.
  9. Improves the sustenance of your IQ (Intelligence Quotient).
  10. A proper stress control also help to detect primary health issues.
Please be warned of any medical drug prescription of any sort as a remedy to stress management.
I highly recommend you to read our article on Effective Ways of Managing Stress.
Hope this article was helpful?