Thursday 20 July 2017

US Sen. John McCain Has Been Diagnosed With Brain Cancer -Mayo Clinic

The highly profiled senator from Arizona and a two-time presidential candidate has announced a diagnosis report on his recent health condition on Wednesday. The news which has since enjoyed a huge support for the senator, John McCain, one of the senior members of the US Upper House and a two-time presidential candidate on Wednesday has announced that he has been diagnosed with brain cancer.

The diagnosis came after McCain, 80, had a blood clot pulled from above his left eye on July 14.

"Subsequent tissue pathology revealed that a minute brain tumor known as a glioblastoma was associated with the blood clot," he said in a statement he made from the Mayo Clinic which later was released by his office.

McCain and his family are observing further treatment options, which potentially include chemotherapy and radiation, and he is recovering "amazingly well," the statement said.

McCain showed no neurological problems before or after the operation, his doctors told CNN.

Before the surgery, McCain told his doctors, how he felt foggy and not as sharp as normal lately, and was having double vision, according to CNN. However, after the surgery, the senator reportedly was oriented, had good balance, and experienced no headaches. He has been recovering at home since Saturday, when he was discharged from the hospital.

Meghan McCain, the senator's daughter, said in a statement that the family was shocked by the diagnosis.

"It won't surprise you to learn that in all this, the one of us who is most confident and calm is my father," she said. "He is the toughest person I know. The cruelest enemy could not break him.

The blood clot was removed from near the spot where McCain was diagnosed with the aggressive skin cancer melanoma in 2000, notes CNN. The senator has also had three precancerous skin lesions removed, none of which were invasive, according to medical records released in 2008 during his presidential campaign.

McCain began his political career as a Senate liaison while serving in the US Navy. In 1982, he won a seat in the US House of Representatives and in 1987 was elected to the the Senate, succeeding Barry Goldwater, another high-profile conservative.

McCain first ran for president in 1999, challenging George W. Bush for the Republican nomination. He lost, but went on to secure his party's nomination eight years later and ran against Barack Obama in the general election. McCain famously branded himself as a "maverick" during that election and selected Sarah Palin as his running mate, but ultimately lost to Obama.

Prior to entering politics, McCain was a Navy pilot. In 1967, while flying a mission during the Vietnam War he was shot down and spent more than five years as a prisoner of war. McCain was tortured during his time in captivity and at one point refused release unless all the other prisoners captured before him were freed as well.

News of McCain's cancer diagnosis prompted an outpouring of support. President Trump said in a statement that McCain "has always been a fighter."

"Melania and I send our thoughts and prayers to Senator McCain, Cindy, and their entire family," Trump said. "Get well soon."

Obama, McCain's former rival, called him "an American hero and one of the bravest fighters I've ever known."

Hillary Clinton similarly praised McCain, saying he "is as tough as they come." And Bill Clinton said "as he’s shown his entire life, don’t bet against John McCain."

Former President George H.W. Bush released a statement saying, "The Hanoi Hilton couldn’t break John McCain’s spirit many years ago, so Barbara and I know — with confidence — he and his family will meet this latest battle in his singular life of service with courage and determination."

His son, former President George W. Bush, also praised McCain and wished him a speedy recovery. "I was impressed by his spirit and determination," Bush said, after speaking with McCain by phone.
Jeff Flake, McCain's fellow senator from Arizona, tweeted that it was a "tough diagnosis, but even tougher man."

We love you McCain.