Thursday 20 July 2017

A MUST READ: TWO LOVE MISILES: 2 Things to Consider Before You Choose a Life Partner

Welcome again lovely readers of this great blog which has been commissioned to deliver to you out there, The Latest Updates on trends evolving in the Health & Lifestyle Categories.

Photo: Britney Edney's library

This is not an article about How to Find Romance or Becoming a Good Wife, neither is it about The Best Husbands in the world. If you are lady out there who is ready for settling down with a man that is up to age and willing to get married soon, then you are the most expected guest on this blog right now. The Truth is that we all are still learning the world as it keeps on evolving and changing day after day with both the Good, Bad and the Ugly.

But, just like it is stated above in the captions, "Before You Choose A Life Partner". This sounds more like a warning and that's because Marriage isn't just about having a home to make or living together with a man or a woman for years. Well, lets cut the long stories and go straight down to details.

So, Before You Get Married: Please Read Carefully,
Photo: Britney Edney Library
  • You need a partner, and not a problem absorber or complainant attendant neither is any of the partners a standalone provider, obviously, many people get this wrong. But as Life Partners, SoulMates, both parties will have work to do together, so discuss it, plan it, work it out and move on. Always have this in mind.
  • Your life as a single is still single until you decide to mingle, even if the diamond ring already has its way into that fourth finger since last valentine's day of 10years ago, do not force your way by any means into a home and call it love. It is when your decision to mingle is yours and yours alone instead keep being single and enjoy a peaceful life till the decision springs forth naturally and it will inform the mindset naturally too of what things that are priorities to you in a partner to be.

Do enjoy a better Life

My Name is Emmanuel
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