Monday 17 July 2017

Tuberclosis Treatment in Nigeria. FG Adopts WHO Guidelines On Tuberculosis -FMOH Reports

The Federal Ministry of Health has reported in her most recent press releases via their official website.

The Federal Government has flagged off a new shorter regimen for multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis treatment in Nigeria. The new regimen will reduce the time taken to treat drug-resistant tuberculosis patients from about 20 months to about 9 months.
The Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, who disclosed this on Monday during the flag off of the regimen and the commissioning ceremony of the first extensively drug-resistant TB ward and fully equipped MDR ward in Ibadan, the Oyo state capital, also called on all TB sufferers to present themselves for treatment at the nearest Federal government health facility free of charge.  

View WHO (World Health Organisation) Statistics on Nigeria via their website

According to Adewole, “formerly when we treat people with drug-resistant TB the drug regimen will last for as long as 20 months, and this is one of the challenges. What we are flagging off today is a new regimen that has been accepted worldwide. We will be able to reduce the period of treatment from about 20 months to between 9 and 11 months. “
“With the new drug regimen we can improve our chances of achieving cure even with drug resistant TB,” he added.