Monday 17 July 2017

Olive Oil is Best For Cooking With Zero Cholesterol

Health Benefits of Olive Oil:
Olive Oil is best for cooking with zero cholesterol. Olive oil is a fat obtained from the fruit of the Olea europaea (olive tree), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean region, where whole olives are pressed to produce olive oil.

This article is intended to point out revealing secrets and essential benefits of a zero cholesterol olive oil as the best and most recommended for cooking both at home and for ceremonies outdoor.

People who regularly eat foods fried in olive oil do not have a higher risk of heart disease or premature death, researchers at the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain reported in the BMJ (British Medical Journal).

As according to,
In a Mediterranean country where olive and sunflower oils are the most commonly used fats for frying, and where large amounts of fried foods are consumed both at and away from home, no association was observed between fried food consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease or death."

Olive oil are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids,  is a major component of the Mediterranean diet. Populations from that region have longer life expectancies and lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, compared with North Americans and Northern Europeans.

Read Medical News Today Report on Olive Oil: Health Benefits, Nutritional Information