Saturday 29 July 2017

These Simple Habits Will Make You Smarter or You Miss

Habits from it's acronym is the dominance towards a particular way of lifestyle. It could be thoughts, words, or actions depending o the scenario at the time. Habits are a conscious development of a peculiar attitude which is attributed to someone. Example is "Ken has a habit of talking too much". Our major concern about habits is on the principles of how they are acquired, what makes habits transferable and how does it affect our behavior? Well, it is obvious that habit itself is a behavioral change in most cases, so we will try to discuss it here in details. Please grab a glass of chilled drink and follow through this article carefully.

It appears we already told you what is habit in the first paragraph; however we can simply attribute habits to be a behavioral dominance. The set of dominant attitude in a person forms the habit in that person.

Most people acquire habits from a surrounding where they are bred and some others from peer groups, another category of people are the self mining class of people while lastly is global orientation.

I will like to deal with the global orientation principle of acquiring habits first before treating surrounding, peer pressure/groups, and self mining.

Global Orientation refers mostly to the media and various sources of information that are all over the place, over time it has been witnessed in the youths of the 21st century to be very swift learners of almost all that is transmitted on TV Cables, Videos and The Media in general. These are channels used for awareness and they could be very sensitive in global orientation, it is a very influence in the acquisition of habits and behavioral change.

Awareness is a sensitive factor of acquiring habits through spread of information and any recipient to the medium becomes the implementation tool.

Lets go to ACQUIRING OF HABITS FROM A SURROUNDING where one dwells, or visits regularly etc. The category of people in this clause is subjected to acquisition by knowledge. A place of dwelling like our house environment, work places, and more are static in nature of knowledge transfers and a great factor of influence especially when one has a problem with identifying who he/she really is among others in an environment where he/she frequents their presence. An example can be learning the guitar notes you just heard come out from the neighbors TV in his living room, playing the same music because he played it, loving the same songs your flat mate loves and so on. This is a proof of  Implementing your knowledge around and about an environment where you have a frequent visit or stay permanently.

Knowledge of cause play a role in Habit Acquisition because of how an environment was consciously engaging your knowledgeable prowess, now guess what? You tend to carry on with this acquired knowledge and moreover it's already an habit. (Note: Change of location is not a guarantee to terminate habitual knowledge acquired out of any other environment.)

This category is self explanatory but i will highlight a little bit. Peers are your closes neighbors, friends, colleagues and everyone you are fond of, most especially in the same age bracket. In fact, people in this category are easily caught up in this Concept of Habit Acquisition and Behavioral change which make peer groups a more actionable influence on Habits and A change in behavior.

The factor responsible for peer pressure/groups is can be attributed to inferiority complex but generally an addictive peer-to-peer makes way for easy penetrations of Habitual Exchange. The truth is that peer group influence is even more elongated because its outcomes are hard to curb but by the end of this series, you should be having another look into your personality.

Peer Group in summary is a behavior of its own. When you find yourself always around the persons you can't literally do or stay without, then it is already addictive and at the same time a behavior on its own. We recommend you to also read our other articles on
10 Ways to Quit a Bad Habit

Know the rules is written on the board

Lastly is SELF MINING PRINCIPLES, I personally love the self mining approach of Habit Acquisition, it is what you make believe and that is what turn out to be. Let me explain, Self Mining a Habit is your own decision, your self will to act influenced, be influence or to influence. I'm still sounding complex.

What I am trying to say is that whenever you find yourself into the Self Mining Act of The Principles of Acquiring Habits, it is like a deliberate control of what you want attached to you, how you want it and when you want it. An example is 
  • Training to a good vocalist. 
  • Choosing to follow Christ.
  • Accepting to quit smoking.
We highly recommend recommend reading our article on
Ten Habits to avoid in the society 

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