Saturday 6 January 2018

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC) is Santa Claus Nigeria

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC) is the oil corporation through which the federal government of Nigeria regulates and participates in the country's petroleum industry. Wikipedia

Santa Claus is the Christmas Visitor we long expected in our homes and the long awaited visitor becomes the worst friend we never had to see.

Christmas celebrations in the cities around Nigeria county was loomed with cracks from knock outs fire works and harmattan weather including the obnoxious scarcity of the country's most priced commodity,"Fuel". At every filling station; Fuel was more like a diamond if it is available in the pumps. Unfortunately, till date the queue seems unrepentant and have not yet cleared off from the gas stations.

Giant filling stations like Total, Oando, Mobil and NNPC are not exempted in the drought. For how long is the experience at the filling stations meant to last is yet unknown to anybody and Santa have already come and gone. Although if he were the head of petroleum in Nigeria and its other oil and gas products, Santa Claus would prepare a better Xmas Gift to shower on us unlike such an horrible Xmas present. From Santa Claus of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.