Monday 17 July 2017

PUBLIC SPEAKING: The Expert Approach

A Professional talkative is one like a Comedian, Stand-up Mc's and OAP's (On- Air Personalities) likewise. A public Speaker on the other hand is an expert communicator whose aim is to reach out and he/she is serving a specified purpose basically via communication.

What makes a Good Public Speaker?
In Public Speaking, there are aims and objectives that follows
1. Content Imaging
2. Post Delivery of statements/declaration
3. The Affirmative approach
4. Word Orientation
5. Bypassing techniques and conclusion

It is observed that whenever a public announcement is made open to the general public, or a set of audience via any communication media, the medium or announcer is likely to actively replay the article in verbatim, so as to affirm the communication without any loss of detail or facts of any kind left behind.

A public announcer is totally different from a public speaker. Always keep in mind that as a Public Speaker, to impact should be the leading priority and which should be your goal as also. Therefore follow these simple approach to become a Public Speaker with difference.

  1. Make your speech relatable and factual.
  2. Keep the audience engaged on intervals.
  3. Never speak for long without a single humor. (burial ceremonies exempted).
  4. Continuously drive for impact through your inspirations.
  5. your words are not necessarily meant to conform  with any religious beliefs.
Lastly, Keep the conversation entertaining, non biased and open to controversial opinions from others. (target audience & more) etc.
Stay glued to Emmanuel Towers for the Part II of this Interesting Series...

Hope you enjoyed this Article?