Monday 24 July 2017

PUBLIC SPEAKING: The Expert Approach II

This is the continued excerpts from The Expert Approach I earlier published on Emmanuel Towers. It is highly recommendable to follow cuts from The Expert Approach I, then follow through till this page, talking about Public Speaking and its vast approach ranging from A Content Imaging, Post-Delivery of Statements/Acclamation as a Speaker, The Affirmative Approach, Word Orientation and By Passing Technique before lastly, the conclusion.

We already discussed Content Imaging and Post-Delivery in The Expert Approach Part 1, which can still be accessible here PUBLIC SPEAKING: The Expert Approach.
I also implore you to endeavor reading also our article on  What Makes A Good Public Speaker.

Considering the application of content imaging as very strong tool in the designing process of public speaking, the affirmative approach basically runs through verification and appropriate implementations of the results of the imaging. However, as another power tool to use, one must always try to affirm every declaration, authentications and series of simplified options in- between.

Mechanisms like this in communication help to mete out information the right way and these information are tested and validated, which is the core aspect of the Affirmative Approach, another is learning the topic issue to avoid a false and reckless redundancy
in the spread and risk to more challenges in transmission.

As a Good Public Speaker, be sure of what you say, know the best alternative to the information, identify the suitable methods of transmitting the content to enable a smooth absorption.

Definition: This refers to uses and proper understanding of available terminologies or words surrounding a subject.

Word Orientation is taking thorough case studies of highly resourced keywords linking the content that you create. Before passing words through any medium, assume yourself as a listener and ask to "what level of descriptiveness of the details will be expected before possible assimilation occur. I bet you may not most appropriate answer to this while already you are been faced with a task to harness good keyword accountable for usage in your content.

You should know this about life, that everybody still have learning as part of our lifestyle, including high professors of different departments who yet make time for themselves to learn and practice, what makes it more interesting is that the master himself who is Jesus "The Son of Man" went in little terms to get through his messages even to the layman on the street, bible records revealed that wherever he went, he undauntedly reaffirms about how his father in heaven is the supreme teacher who has the power to teach him all that he needed to say or do. He was referencing about his learning processes of still trying to become a better speaker whose messages should be selflessly understood by the people.

In a nutshell, where this should lead you right now in case you are a Public Speaker Professional, Intermediate or Beginner, learning a variety of related keywords to comprehensively make you outspoken words break down to their lowest common terms is key to What Makes A Good Public Speaker

We appreciate your  time for reading...

Follow me to Part III of The Expert Approach