Friday 13 January 2017

Ten Habits to avoid in the society

1. Do no shout or make uneccessary calling sounds that may be unpolite in public.

2. Take an excuse from the crowd and go to the loo or convenience room before you fart or yawn or sneeze or picking of the nose.

3. Drive responsibly and stay away from the steering whenever you seem drunk or too excited after a funfair, occasion or party event.

4. Be careful when angry in the public and take the best option of leaving the arena if you may be the hot tempered type of person.

5. Control your use of vougal words and abusive languages anytime because you never know who you just mentored yesterday when you were around to have a chilled drink.

6. During a general discussion involving other people, it is wise to speak only when it is neccessary or when you are asked.

7. Do not offer to solve a problem of someone you hardly know when it is not yet demanded for.

8. Have you shirt and clothes on all the time in the public except it is an official arrangement anyway.

9. Do not make riddicle of another person's candid opinion because everyone is naturally entitled to one.

10. Lastly, Keep a clear contrast of your personal views not been misunderstood for the opium itself either in part or as a whole because considering a collective work if you operate in a team on the field or with a group of management, it may be unaccepted.